Saturday, November 11, 2023

Dusting off this shoulder amidst the gathering of dust upon that very shoulder. And the other one too. High and Dry at the Jen Tough Gallery through Dec. 18, 2023

 An opening tonight at the Jen Tough Gallery in Santa Fe features a bevy of NM artists, and I'm in that mix. 

H6 (vein) - or Harbor 6 from 2014 is my contribution to this group show. 

There have been many recent signals pointing to - or eliciting from inside me - a kind of urgency to reignite a dormant engine of production but even more so, of exploration. 

Even typing this post is another tickle on a comatose toe as I reflect on the source of these Harbor Paintings and ecosystem of thought and impulse in which I was immersed.

Don't get me wrong, I've continued my tinkerpassion, but my mind space has often been bent more toward problemsolving at the job - imagining possiblities at the job than on those activities back on the home/making machine front. Somehow I only this week, but a couple of pieces together upon waking from a dream. The blueprint exists.  It's now up to me to but on my big boy tool belt and get to hacking away.

Reflecting back on this body of work, I just had occasion to watch the trailer I created for the original exhibit for the first time in many years.  It's probably one of my 2 masterpieces. 

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