Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Studio Update

As has been the case in recent Decembers, I have the boon of some bonus time to spend in the studio.  I'm using this period to embark on a bevy of small paintings.  Above is a segment of pieces in the embryonic stage, ready for a little cooking while I start with another batch.
These works, some of which are on fragments of a previous, larger canvas, start off as I often begin work; as a series of stream of conscious connections.  I have various modes of working, but the early stages of paintings like these are a way to mash up thoughts and images that have recently emerged, and those too that have stuck with me.  At this stage, it's important for me to move quickly, get paint or pencil on the surface and toss them in the oven (anywhere out of site) where they will stew and cook for some period.  At some future time, when I look at them again, I'll be reappraising the works with a different eye, a different mindset which will determine whether some of them may be further developed in a fruitful way.

I'm also working to finish up the 2008 Annual.  It's taking longer than I had hoped, but it will be released before the end of the year - with the 2009 edition arriving shortly there after.  Below is what I believe will be the cover for 2008. 

PS.  Annual 2007 is on sale for $8.40 through December 31 ( It's regularly $10.)

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