We held our Halloween party at Spire on Saturday night. I intended to go as the invisible man, so I could say, as Beacon artist, Curry Mendes offered "Expect not to see me there." I'm heading back to Denver this coming Sunday, and I was looking forward to getting a little more studio time in under the cover of dance party USA happening on the other side of the wall. After almost three weeks of carving pumpkins, I had my fill of Halloween.
(I forgot to mention that I was asked to carve a pumpkin, and do an interview for a Westchester TV News program. It was a little nerve racking. Fortunately the carving was not done live, but as part of a time elapsed montage.)
I did not get anything done on during the party which was fine...I had fun. It started slow and late, so folks were congregated in my space talking, then for the rest of the night, it folks were in there taking a break from the music and dancing.

Chad Smith sent me a tape of various images that I was projecting down the hall, onto shredded plastic tarps. The tape did not contain the random images. It contained the full film of Hannah House, which was a pleasant surprise for me. The projection looked very cool down the hall, and on the other side of the plastic was the dance floor, so it provided the majority of ambient lighting and very striking visuals. Many people asked me what it was. We'll have to schedule a screening of the film at the space shortly.
So it was fun, and now I have to prepare to be gone for two weeks doing some work in Denver. It'll be good to get out of town for a while.
I feel that I really just need a nap though.
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