There will be a premiere screening of The Disposal, a short film by Chad Smith of MonkeyAngel Studios, at the Bluebird theater in Denver, next Monday, August 15 at 7 pm. Also on the bill that night is a premiere of another short film by Guinivere Stevenson, Bowl of Lives, and musical performance by Stars are Scars.
I'm anxious to finally see the Disposal. I have been considering this as a cautionary tale of misogeny, but I think Chad has another take on it. It's been almost two years since we did the bulk of the filming. I helped create a couple of the monstors, and I did a lot of the puppeteering as well. In fact, pictured above is one of the creations I'm most proud of. I find there is a touching sincerity in her desire for acceptance and a certain vulnerability within her grotesqueness. Unfortunately, I won't be back in Denver for this event, but if anyone is around, and available, I suggest heading out for fun night.
August 15th, at the Bluebird Theatre, 7pm, All Ages
$8 advance tixs/$10 at the door
Tickets are available at Independent Records, Twist & Shout, or any NIPP venue
(Gothic, Bluebird or Ogden theatres) as well as at
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