Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Whimsy & Gesture @ Albert Shahinain Fine Art in Rhinebeck, NY. Through Apr 31.

I have a sampling of paintings spanning over 10 years on view now at Albert Shahinian Fine Art in Rhinebeck, NY.  The show has recently been extended through April 31. 

Whimsy & Gesture is a three person show which also includes wire sculptures by Dick Crenson and collages by Travis Jeffrey.

Shahinian Fine Art is a cozy little space perched on the third floor of a building just east of the Market St/Rt 9 intersection.  The gallery has a facebook page here, which will likely be the best place for information on upcoming events...like, for instance, if I'm able to make it up north to give a presentations in the gallery.....for instance.

My painting Christopher & Gay (fp) (from 2008 or 9?) is the image featured on the postcard above.

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