Thursday, March 16, 2006


At the end of last year, I was invited to join the Board of Advisors for The Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art in Peekskill NY. The advisory board is made up of 24 people of from various disciplines from law, business, and art, with various skill sets and spheres of influence. These people will be working in different capacities to help grow the museum, and further its mission.

I'm gratified to have been considered for participation, and I am excited to be working with such a dynamic group of people for an institution that is bringing exciting, relevant, world class contemporary art of a to the Hudson Valley.

Peekskill is 20 miles south of Beacon. 20 miles that at on point felt like a two hour trek in the shifting perception I felt when we first moved to Beacon. I have on several occasions driven 6 hours from Denver to Santa Fe and back in the same day to visit Site Santa Fe. But there is something of the compression of time distance and effort that makes comparatively much shorter journeys feel equally long. Much of it has to do with the terrain, and the more circuitous routes of the roads. There is a funny isolation that occurs among art communities within the various cities and towns of the Hudson Valley. It's akin, I imagine to the historically long isolation of villages of the Swiss Alps divided by mountains and valleys, but very near to one another in proximity, each on developing its own special dialect of the language. I am trying to make a point to get out to other communities and see what's going on.

The truth is that Peekskill is less than a half hour from Beacon, and it is an hour from NYC on the train, so it is accessible, and there are some great exhibitions, and programs being offered at HVCCA that can benefit the entire regional creative community. ...And at a price that is really affordable. Admission is $5 and a membership is only $25, which I didn't realize when we started going otherwise I would have joined much sooner, and it would have already paid for itself.

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